Sunday, April 10, 2016

Day 238: Spirals In Time

On the banks of the Kinta River, at the furthest navigable point inland from Peninsular Malaysia’s western coast, stands the former mining town of Ipoh. Behind the bustling Chinese shophouses, white colonial town hall and railway station lies a backdrop of some seventy limestone hills, clad in forest. As visitors climb steps to the Buddhist temples perched in these green humps, or descend into the caves beneath them, they are surrounded by biological treasures, including some of the world’s smallest and strangest shells.

Karst limestone formations, like the ones in Ipoh, can be seen throughout South-east Asia, from northern Vietnam through Cambodia and Thailand to the Philippines and Indonesia; they rise from the sea as idyllic islands, and poke through rainforest canopies. The limestones were formed millions of years ago by the remains of ancient sea creatures, including corals and shells. Since then, their calcium carbonate skeletons have been uplifted, then eroded by wind and rain into jagged silhouettes with giant caves inside them and underground rivers running through them.

A riot of unusual wildlife lives in these limestone landscapes. Bumblebee Bats, the world’s smallest mammals, flit through the caves; blind fish crawl from subterranean ponds and out onto rocks; beetles and millipedes prosper in huge piles of bat dung; and out on the rugged hilltops roam troops of leaf monkeys, including such incredibly rare species as the Delacour’s Langur with its striking black and white fur (the Vietnamese name for it, vooc mong trang, means ‘the langur with white trousers’). The chalky soils are also a haven for molluscs that find a plentiful supply of the principal raw material to make their shells.

A single Malaysian limestone hill can be home to between 40 and 60 species of tiny microsnails, each one a millimetre tall, and all of them with highly ornate shells. Of those, two or three species could be unique to that individual hill. As well as snails, there are heaps of other endemic species here, ones that are found nowhere else on the planet: geckos, crickets, orchids, begonias and spiders. Just like oceanic islands, the limestone outcrops are isolated dots of habitat where evolution dances to a different beat, generating new and peculiar species.

When biologist Reuben Clements went snail-hunting in the hills of Ipoh, he discovered a shell like no other. To find it, all he had to do was take a few scoops of soil, place them in a bucket of water and wait for the empty shells to rise to the surface (for a long time only recently dead specimens were found, and no living snails). Seen under a microscope, these tiny shells reveal their curious physique. They look like the corrugated pipe of a vacuum cleaner that’s been left tangled on the floor, with the end flared out like a tiny trumpet. These shells twist and turn, this way and that, as if they can’t decide which way to grow.

A few years later, Clements’ colleague Thor-Seng Liew finally tracked down live specimens of this tiny snail and set about studying them for his Ph.D, devising a theory to explain their bizarre coiling shapes. Liew suggested that the snails are doing their best to avoid getting eaten by predatory slugs. Retreating into their shells, the snails force their attackers to reach into an empty, bendy tube while their prospective dinner cowers at the end. The slugs’ proboscis simply can’t reach into such a deep and convoluted recess.

Meanwhile, Clements and other limestone enthusiasts have been campaigning to protect the remarkable but often overlooked places these snails come from. Being useless for agriculture or development, limestone hills were left more or less alone for a long time, but now cement companies are getting in on the act, razing them to the ground for the limestone inside. These are imperilled arks of biodiversity that few people have heard of. Year on year, hundreds of species are going extinct, most of them before they are discovered, when the hills they once lived on are taken away.

Compared to Clements and Liew’s bizarre find in the Malaysian hills, most shells are far less erratic in the way they grow, and indeed they are often quite predictable. For centuries, many great minds have contemplated the elegant sculptures and patterning of shells and wondered what might govern their construction. They have hunted for clues to explain the amazing realities and tempting possibilities of shells; they have probed ideas of what makes a shell work and which shapes may ultimately never show up; and they imagined that if they could find ways of drawing shells, if they could mimic what nature has been doing for eons, it would not only bring them closer to understanding how molluscs make their intricate homes, but they might also catch a glimpse of the origins of beauty itself. What many generations of mathematicians, artists, biologists and palaeontologists have found is unexpected and elegant: to construct an elaborate seashell – and decorate it – requires only a handful of rules.

Of all shell shapes, one of the simplest and most pleasing is the spiral of the chambered nautilus. The internal twist of these ocean-wanderers is revealed when their empty shells are sliced in two, from top to bottom. Trace the outer edge of a nautilus shell and you’ll see that it spins inwards in a very particular way. This graceful curve was among the first shapes in nature to be granted its own mathematical formula.

In the seventeenth century, French philosopher René Descartes composed a simple piece of mathematics for drawing a shape called the logarithmic spiral. Unlike an Archimedean spiral, which has whorls that are always spaced the same width apart, like a coiled snake, the gaps between successive whorls on a logarithmic spiral get increasingly wide. Logarithmic spirals flare open as they get bigger, just like a nautilus shell.

~~Spirals In Time : The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells -by- Helen Scales

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