Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 40: Book Excerpt: The Information

Solomonoff, Kolmogorov, and Chaitin tackled three different problems and came up with the same answer. Solomonoff was interested in inductive inference: given a sequence of observations, how can one make the best predictions about what will come next? Kolmogorov was looking for a mathematical definition of randomness: what does it mean to say that one sequence is more random than another, when they have the same probability of emerging from a series of coin flips? And Chaitin was trying to find a deep path into Gödel incompleteness by way of Turing and Shannon—as he said later, “putting Shannon’s information theory and Turing’s computability theory into a cocktail shaker and shaking vigorously.” They all arrived at minimal program size. And they all ended up talking about complexity.

The following bitstream (or number) is not very complex, because it is rational:

D: 14285714285714285714285714285714285714285714285714…

It may be rephrased concisely as “PRINT 142857 AND REPEAT,” or even more concisely as “1/7.” If it is a message, the compression saves keystrokes. If it is an incoming stream of data, the observer may recognize a pattern, grow more and more confident, and settle on one-seventh as a theory for the data.

In contrast, this sequence contains a late surprise:

E: 10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101013

The telegraph operator (or theorist, or compression algorithm) must pay attention to the whole message. Nonetheless, the extra information is minimal; the message can still be compressed, wherever pattern exists. We may say it contains a redundant part and an arbitrary part.

It was Shannon who first showed that anything nonrandom in a message allows compression:

F: 101101011110110110101110101110111101001110110100111101110

Heavy on ones, light on zeroes, this might be emitted by the flip of a biased coin. Huffman coding and other such algorithms exploit statistical regularities to compress the data. Photographs are compressible because of their subjects’ natural structure: light pixels and dark pixels come in clusters; statistically, nearby pixels are likely to be similar; distant pixels are not. Video is even more compressible, because the differences between one frame and the next are relatively slight, except when the subject is in fast and turbulent motion. Natural language is compressible because of redundancies and regularities of the kind Shannon analyzed. Only a wholly random sequence remains incompressible: nothing but one surprise after another.
Even Π retains some mysteries:

C: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751…

The world’s computers have spent many cycles analyzing the first trillion or so known decimal digits of this cosmic message, and as far as anyone can tell, they appear normal. No statistical features have been discovered—no biases or correlations, local or remote. It is a quintessentially nonrandom number that seems to behave randomly. Given the nth digit, there is no shortcut for guessing the nth plus one. Once again, the next bit is always a surprise.

How much information, then, is represented by this string of digits? Is it information rich, like a random number? Or information poor, like an ordered sequence?

The telegraph operator could, of course, save many keystrokes—infinitely many, in the long run—by simply sending the message “Π.” But this is a cheat. It presumes knowledge previously shared by the sender and the receiver. The sender has to recognize this special sequence to begin with, and then the receiver has to know what Π is, and how to look up its decimal expansion, or else how to compute it. In effect, they need to share a code book.

This does not mean, however, that Π contains a lot of information. The essential message can be sent in fewer keystrokes. The telegraph operator has several strategies available. For example, he could say, “Take 4, subtract 4/3, add 4/5, subtract 4/7, and so on.” The telegraph operator sends an algorithm, that is. This infinite series of fractions converges slowly upon Π, so the recipient has a lot of work to do, but the message itself is economical: the total information content is the same no matter how many decimal digits are required.

The issue of shared knowledge at the far ends of the line brings complications. Sometimes people like to frame this sort of problem—the problem of information content in messages—in terms of communicating with an alien life-form in a faraway galaxy. What could we tell them? What would we want to say? The laws of mathematics being universal, we tend to think that Π would be one message any intelligent race would recognize. Only, they could hardly be expected to know the Greek letter. Nor would they be likely to recognize the decimal digits “3.1415926535 …” unless they happened to have ten fingers.

~~The Information -by- James Gleick

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